One to talk

Oh yeah?


Joel was jealous:


In a reactionary, XianNat state, such methods of animal slaughter would be banned

It’s quite simple.

Deport all practitioners of non-Xian faiths.

Then ban circumcision and halal/kosher methods of animal slaughter.

In addition to banning them from returning, and their kind from coming, require every prospective immigrant to eat a bacon cheeseburger, with beef not killed by such methods, with a shot of liquor.

And require inspection of their privates by doctors to confirm non-circumcision; do this also for all children routinely at hospital visits.

Anyone who refuses, is not admitted.

Any child or adult that refuses examination, deported.


Reject have-their-cake-and-eat-it-ism


Even tenured profs who question The Narrative aren’t safe


No one is ever really for free speech

No one is ever really for free speech.

Regimevangelicals are scared with good reason

Their smears mean nothing, except that we’re doing it right. 😉



Of course not. DeepState doesn’t go after GAE…


You get what you incentivize

Don’t forget the moms who live vivariously through their confused kids, getting social media hits.

(Seen at Spawny’s, I believe.)